Friday, May 30, 2014

For the Long Strech

In order to keep your body moving healthy for the long run, it is important to keep your muscles stretched out. It is especially important for dancers to stretch. Dancers must have flexible muscles in order to lift their legs with out straining or injuring anything. Therefore, it is important to take the time to make stretching a part of your daily routine. 

Many people think that they should stretch before they workout, but this is a misconception. You will get a better stretch for your muscles after your workout, when your body is warm. When your body is warm, your muscles allow you to go further or deeper into the stretch. If time doesn't allow you to stretch after a workout, another good time to stretch is after a hot shower when your body is still warm. The amount of time you should spend in a stretch to get the full effect is about two minutes. 

There are many beneficial ways to stretch other than doing the splits. Once you are warm, it is healthy to start easy by bending at your hips and reaching for the floor. It is ok if you don't reach your hands to the floor you are still getting a good stretch. After spending a minute or two in that stretch, you can come to your back and bring your legs up to your chest making a four symbol with your legs by crossing one ankle to the other knee. This stretch is great for hip opening and lower back decompression. If you can continue to another stretch, it would be good to end with stretching your hamstrings. While still lying with your back on the floor, bring one leg up into the air and have the other leg straight out on the floor. If you can, grab your top leg at the ankle and slowly bring it closer to your chest. If you can't grab your ankle, a strap placed around the top foot would make it easier to allow yourself to bring your leg closer to your chest. This is an intense stretch, so only spend up to two minutes in it!

Stretching, for dancers, is an essential part of their daily routines. However, non-dancers can also get more mobility in everyday movements from stretching. Who wouldn't want to be more flexible! 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Get Ready for the Summer Break

With one week left of the Spring Season of The New York City Ballet, I am starting to think of the approaching layoff. During the months off in the summer, when we are not performing, rehearsing, or practicing every day, there is a lot of free time to get out of shape. However, I definitely believe that it is important to take a certain amount of time off to allow injuries or ailing pains to heal; but too much time off makes it very hard to get back into shape. 

Dancers are known to be complete perfectionists. Spending hours rehearsing in front of a mirror, dancers continue to practice until they get every step perfect; down to every last finger and toe. As a dancer, I strive to be the best I can at every different ballet I learn. In order to feel the best I can, I have to make sure my body is in top condition. There are many ways that influence the care of my body and well being. Including: how I exercise, what I eat, time spent with friends, and the amount of sleep I get. These factors are all important to help my mind and body feel good. This summer, while I'm away from performing, I'm going to strive to continue to thrive at what I do by staying as healthy and as in shape as I possibly can. I intend to use this blog to inform everyone about my journey to stay in shape this summer by sharing certain exercise routines and healthy recipes to make. I hope everyone enjoys a wonderful and healthy summer!