Thursday, June 26, 2014

Beach Time

Swimming is such a great way to workout without high impact on your muscles and joints. A great way to swim is in a pool, but swimming in the ocean is overall healthier for your body. The chlorine in the pool dries out your skin as well as stings your eyes tremendously. When I am not home visiting my parents on Cape Cod, I swim at the Reebok Club pool. I think that swimming is so important for my overall fitness health that the chlorine doesn't bother me.

However, if I had a choice, I would always swim in a salt water pool or ocean like I have at home. The beach my family and I go to, which is lucky enough to be walking distance from my house, is called Corporation Beach :

The picture above was taken by my sister during late February at sunset. The beach is so peaceful during the off seasons when no tourists are around yet. I wouldn't recommend swimming in the ocean anytime before late June because the water is freezing! However, once the water warms up it's so wonderful to ride my bike down to the beach and go for a quick swim. The ocean is extremely healing for my skin. I always leave home with better skin than I did when I arrived. Going to the beach for a swim is also a wonderful full body workout. 

Walking on the beach is also another great workout. Since sand is unstable, it is great for people to work on their balance. If you are walking barefoot, walking in the sand is great for strengthening your feet. The tiny muscles in your feet have to work harder while walking in the sand because the surface is much softer and much more uneven then a normal sidewalk. 

This summer, while you're at the beach, make sure to get in the water or take a nice long walk in the sand!

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