Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Jazz Festival

Last weekend I had the great pleasure of traveling to Governors Island to see the Jazz Age Lawn Party. One of my friends had an extra ticket, so I got to go! Everyone was dressed in 1920, Great Gatsby themed clothes. Being there, surrounded by everyone dressed up, listening to jazz music, was like going back in time! There were a couple of different bands that played wonderful music. And also lessons on how to swing dance. 

Here is a picture of me and my friend at the party: 

Even though the Jazz Age Lawn Party is a party, there are activities there that are good ways to continue to stay in shape while off from dance. I had never been to Governors Island, and was not expecting it to be as beautiful as it was. There are so many beautiful old buildings and trees located around the island.  The party was located on one of the many open fields Governors Island has. There was a stage and a dance floor where one great activity took place, dancing! Though it was not ballet dancing, swing dancing is a great way to stay in shape. There was a teacher that broke the steps down for us to learn. Once we got the idea of the certain moves, the musicians played wonderful jazz music for us to dance too. It was so much fun to swing dance all dressed in 1920's attire. 

Another great activity to do on Governors Island is to go for a bike ride. It was funny to see people dressed up in 1920's flapper dresses riding bikes, but we decided to do it anyways. There is a beautiful bike path that goes along the river and around the whole island. We rented the bikes for an hour and had a great time exploring the whole island while getting a great workout!

Going to Governors Island is like a mini getaway from the city. It seems like you are no where near the city even though its only a ten minute ferry ride away. The Jazz Age Lawn Party is having another event mid-August. If people are around you should definitely try to go!

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