Saturday, June 21, 2014


During this layoff, I didn't get a chance to go home. I usually like to visit my family for a week or so, but this break I had two weddings to attend, forcing me to stay in the city. I don't mind staying in the city on my layoff because it allows me to do things that I usually don't have time for. Since I want to stay in good shape when I'm off, I try to find activities that keep me active. 

Yesterday, I explored the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I consider walking around the Met for a couple of hours a great way to stay active, not only with your body, but also with your mind. When you are walking around the museum, you are exercising your mind by taking in all the information you see from the different artifacts presented.   

One of my good friends told me that there was an exhibit at the Met that showcased evening dresses from the 1940's and 1950's designed by Charles James. This exhibit shows how Charles' beautiful dresses were designed and put together. Each one of them is a piece of art. The dresses and ball gowns are each displayed on a pedestal that has a spotlight and a computer screen informing viewers what fabrics were used in making the dress as well videos showing how the dresses were made. 

I think that this exhibit is especially interesting to a ballet dancer because it shows how much hard work goes into making something so simple look so beautiful. There is so much detail that goes into making a dress just like the details in making a ballet. Each part of the dress is important for the over all look just as each part of the ballet is important for the over all look. A ballet or dress is not complete without all of its parts. The beauty is in the final completion. I'm sure it is so rewarding to see a finished ballet or finished dress after working so hard on every detail in the process. 

Below is the poster for the exhibit:

I highly recommend going to see this exhibit!

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