Thursday, July 3, 2014

A Day in the Life

The company I dance for is unique, differing from any other dance company in the world. I think the main difference between us, The New York City Ballet and other companies is the amount of ballets we put on in a season. We perform about 50 ballets in one season. Every rehearsal is precious time because we have so many ballets to learn and only a certain amount of time to learn them. To get a better idea of our daily life, below is a video that looks inside our company. 

In order to rehearse and preform every day without injury it is important to cross train. You need take care of your body to have the stamina to keep up with how hard the New York City Ballet works. I thought it would be nice to show a video of one of the New York City Ballet workouts.

The importance of staying in top condition is crucial. It takes a lot of dedication to do other forms of exercise when you are already dancing all day, but by cross training you are preventing injury. You can really hurt yourself if you just rehearse rehearse rehearse. By doing other forms of exercise you are allowing your muscles to work in different ways, which helps with the wear and tear of doing repetitive dance moves. By going to the gym or doing pilates you are strengthening your muscles so they can be strong enough to be able to rehearse all day. 

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