Sunday, July 20, 2014

Healthy Digestion

Many people are trying juice cleanses to detox impurities in their digestive system. However, small healthy habits that you follow on a daily basis are even more powerful over time than doing a three to ten day juice cleanse. I recently read an article by the writers of the Dr. Oz show about a quick way to get a digestive detox just by having ginger, lemon, and sea salt. 

How to make a digestive detox with ginger, lemon, and sea salt:

1.) squeeze 1/2 cup of fresh lemon juice into a cup or jar
2.) cut up a knob of fresh ginger into thin one inch strips
3.) add 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt then stir

Don't drink this solution, but rather eat 1-2 pieces of the soaked fresh ginger before each meal. You can make enough at the beginning of each week to last you seven days. You should keep this solution refrigerated. The best way to get great benefits from this detox is to have 1-2 pieces before each meal. But since dinner is typically most Americans' heaviest meal and since your digestion is slower at night it is best to have the soaked ginger before dinner. 

Ginger, lemon, and sea salt together help break down toxins in your gut. These ingredients increase the digestive fire and the heat helps break the toxins down. You will usually feel the increased heat within seconds of eating the ginger. 

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